0:00 Mood Disorders or Mood Swings on Steroids
3:30 Difference between Long Acting and Short Acting Injectable Steroids Esters
5:20 Most Bodybuilders with Freaky Physiques take Injections every day
6:20 Indicators of High Estrogen Levels
12:40 Social Paranoia Increased by Anabolic Steroids
15:00 Testosterone Levels after PCT at 400ng/dl and Low Sex Hormone Binding Glubulin
16:15 How the “Normal Testosterone Level” reference range in the Medical Industry was created
20:00 How SHBG Sex-Hormone-Binding-Globulin affects free testosterone levels
25:12 How to Reduce SHBG Levels
30:17 Trenbolone is Immune to SHBG and Cannot Bind to It
33:58 Thyroid Hormone Levels vs Prolactin Levels and Sex Drive
34:40 High Blood Pressure Medications Do Not Belong in Bodybuilding and are an Indicator of Drug Abuse
36:30 Normal Components of Most Modern People’s Lives that Increase Blood Pressure
41:50 Cialis and Blood Pressure (Penis Medication)
43:40 Do the Muscles that grow around your Face and Skull go away after you stop taking steroids or Cruise
47:20 Can You use Metformin on TRT
49:55 Metformin Shines as a Weight Loss Agent
51:40 Effects of Cardio Activity of Fat Loss
53:00 For Someone taking 250mg Testosterone Per Week is Once Weekly Injections ok or are Twice Weekly testosterone Injections Required
56:30 Injectable Oral Steroids Liver Toxicity Effects and Chemistry of 17 alpha alkylated Oral Anabolic Steroids
This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.
Hey Dan,
What is the best way to use AI’s during a cycle when oestrogen symptoms begin? Best protocol using a combination of either arimadex/nolvadex or examestane/nolvadex whilst on 400mg test p and 500mg primo e weekly cycle.
? Take nolvadex and examestane or arimadex for how many days after symptoms start before its safe to stop AI’s to prevent any rebound.
Love your work.
Thanks for your help man
What’s your opinion of an “Enhanced TRT / Enhanced Cruise”, where other compounds are added on top of a standard TRT dose. Is there a high risk running low doses of various AAS for long periods of time?
Have been considering the following weekly doses as my “Enhanced TRT”:
100mg Test E
100mg Primo E
100mg Deca
50mg-100mg Mast E
I have listened to all your podcasts and have yet to hear the subject of short steroid cycles addressed. I am 51 and have only started doing cycles 3 years ago. I have made good gains but every time I get to around 8 weeks into the cycle, the gains slow down and even start gaining fat. It doesn’t matter the steroid compounds that I use. I’ve been reading that this is a common occurance and usually people up the dosages or change the compounds when continuing on their 12 week or 16 week+ cycles.
But I’ve also come across some steroid gurus who change up the whole system and go short 3 to 4 week cycles. They do this to take advantage of the initial reaction to the compounds in the first weeks of the cycle before cortisol levels get automatically raised by the body. They also do this so the cholesterol levels don’t go out of whack and don’t have to take so many AIs. But this requires the dosages to be very high and injections pretty much every day or every other day.
If this is a “more healthy” way to do cycles and even some IFBB pros have done this, why is this not more widely known and followed? Where did the 12-16 week cycle come from anyway?