The Steroids Podcast Episode 1
0:00 How to Combat Estrogen Rebound How Aromatase inhibitors work
10:50 Support Supplements for Health During Testosterone only cycle
16:45 Andoxon or Andriol Testosterone Undecanoate Capsules
20:10 TRT with Metformin and Yohimbine for Fat Loss and Fasted Cardio
26:08 Testicular Shrinkage and Atrophy from Steroids is it Permanent How To Prevent it on Cycle with HCG
29:08 How Long for 6 week Dbol Only Cycle to Kick in and Muscle Gain Expectations, How to Keep Gains After Steroid Cycle
35:05 10mg-15mg Dbol Per Day Long Term as Androgen Replacement Therapy
37:35 Body Part Enlargement and Increase of Height Foot and Hand Enlargement from Human Growth Hormone Use
42:00 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Year Round with Small Blasts of Anavar Oxandrolone and Increased Testosterone Dosage
50:00 High Hemotacrit Red Blood Cell Count and Donating Blood After Steroid Cycle
55:10 Performance Enhancing Drugs Powerlifters Use and What To Use to Increase Strength Without Increasing Bodyweight
59:35 Jeremy Buendia 3D Bubble Muscle Look and Insulin Trenbolone and Pharmaceutical Grade HGH
This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.
Dan, you the man! love what your doing. people and especially younger guys who are uneducated. if i would have this resource 8 year ago….man, could have saved me so many headaches and trial and error. these are powerful hormones and the more info that is out there the safer they can be used. id love to hear some nutritional info from you too man. people need to understand how these drugs work, i see to many people taking these drugs but still look like they dont work out lol they just look like a big bloated smooth balloon with no or little muscle. so a elaborate video on how they manipulate food in the body, you do informative videos really well i really think people could benefit from it!!!
loving it man!!
Thanks, Bryan Moore
Absolutely Bryan, I would love to make a video/podcast on food and nutrition mixed with steroid use. This is a great question and a lot of people would benefit hearing it. I will log your request and you will see that podcast!
Dan. Very good podcast. Thanks for your contribution and for helping guys do what they were gonna do anyway! You are keeping people much safer by providing this info.
Did you ever do the podcast on nutrition/food as the other listener requested? I would love to hear about that as well.
As I get closer to 50 I’m finding cruises at 200mg for more than 3 months are killing my gains and I eat alot and train to just maintain…. unfortunately I put on fat at the midsection while the arms and legs shrink away.
I may need to cruise higher at 300mg but I also think my diet is off and I’m either over training or undertraining and my calorie intake is off.
Hi Dan! Love your videos bro, been watching it almost a year now, so much good information there, learned a lot! I have a question about HCG. Is it worth to taking HCG while on cruise dose of testosterone (125mg per week)? Or should I go completely off cycle and then include HCG in my PCT protocol?
Stay safe bro!
Hey dan, I love your content, and I also love the good feeling that dbol gives to me, whats your opinion on using dbol for like 20 weeks at 20mg per day (10mg 12pm, 10mg 12am) for that purpose? I prefer high test and high tren cycles mostly (1g test + 400/800 tren E), it is a wise thing to do to use dbol at a low dosage to improve “the vibes”? at 20mg (or maybe even 30mg) It will potentialize the effects of the testosterone and/or the tren that I like to use ?
I really like your podcast. I’m a 50 year old male. I am currently in my second TRT cycle of 10 weeks. I am taking Test Cyp 1 ML, HCG 500iu and one Anastrozole tablet per week. I am lifting regularly. I’m looking for muscle gain and fat loss. I really like the effects of the TRT i’m taking but I’d like more. What would you recommend at my age and being relatively new to taking PED’s. How much more Test? What kind or mixture of test and what else should I add? When I take more PED’s should I increase the HCG and Anastrozole?
Thank you,
Hey dan, can my women take yohimbine for weight loss, she is actively working out but the options for women seem slim. we have considered anavar or clen. please advise.
Dan you are a legend! thanks for this podcast. I love that you cut through all the shit and just give us what we want and need to know straight up. i have a few questions for you that I am dying to have answered.
First i should tell you that I’m 42 and been training naturally for only a year now (trained when i was 16-18) after killing myself in the gym and not making noticeable gains I have decided to try SARMS, I have never ever used any sort of PED before, and have been doing my research. I have settled on and have RAD 140 and I have the HCG and Tamoxifen for PCT. I plan on starting at 10, then 15ml and going as high as 20ml only for a first ever 12 week cycle. What I don’t know is how/what I should eat when doing this cycle for either cutting or bulking (high Protein? High Carbs? at maintenance or 200 above for bulk and 200 below for a cut? , how should I train when on this cycle (Go Hard? only Compound lifts?, increase my usual sets and reps? take every set of everything to failure? and do SARMS and in this case RAD have nutrient partitioning characteristics like Roids
Hi Dan, Love the Podcast and Youtube channel. I have a question which i think you should do a whole podcast about!
I might be in a position where i will be drug tested by WADA or USADA. The sport/Hobby I’m involved in has stupidly decided to get on the testing train even though Steroids or SARMS would actually be am impediment and NOT improve performance (they are after illegal drugs I’m guessing and beta blockers for sure). However we don’t get to pick and choose and will have to abide by ALL of it. The tests would be urine and not hair or blood. If I was to do a Testosterone Enanthate 500mg a week (2 injections) cycle with a Tbol kickstart for 3-4 weeks, or do a Sarms only cycle (LGD,RAD,YK11) for 10-12 weeks and a HCG Clomid/Tamoxifen PCT (which believe it or not are also banned) how long would it all be in my system for detection? how long do I need to have finished the PCT as well, in order to come up clean?
We are being told things about Peca testing? testing and metabolites that are detectable for ages? for example that Deca can be detected by its Metabolites as long as 2 years after the last administration?! is it true? is it true for all Roids? injectables and orals? and what about Sarms? and if by chance you don’t know, then how do I go about finding out?
Hey Dan, I ran a 20 week cycle of 600/week test enanthate and 600/week deca, i didn’t take a ai as I had no symptoms. Started my post cycle of hcg and nolvadex 2 weeks after last test injection. 3 weeks into pct my sexdrive was completely gone, very difficult to get and maintain an erection and then I started growing perky bitch tits, not super bad but noticeable. I went into a pretty bad depression but I fought through it. Now 6 months later my erections are pretty much normal, sex drives recovered about 80% and still have some breast tissue. I’m 34 and had low test levels before ever touching gear ( around 350 ng/dl) Currently it’s at 230 Ng/dl. I gained quite a bit of fat with such low test levels. So I decided to get on a low dose of test enanthate 300/wk and 60mg/anavar to knock off this fat. My question is should I run a ai with this low dose or do I need to deal with this bitch tits issue before going on a cycle? What’s your take on my dilemma?
Hey Dan, I ran a 20 week cycle of 600/week test enanthate and 600/week deca, i didn’t take a ai as I had no symptoms. Started my post cycle of hcg and nolvadex 2 weeks after last test injection. 3 weeks into pct my sexdrive was completely gone, very difficult to get and maintain an erection and then I started growing perky bitch tits, not super bad but noticeable. I went into a pretty bad depression but I fought through it. Now 6 months later my erections are pretty much normal, sex drives recovered about 80% and still have some breast tissue. I’m 34 and had low test levels before ever touching gear ( around 350 ng/dl) Currently it’s at 230 Ng/dl. I gained quite a bit of fat with such low test levels. So I decided to get on a low dose of test enanthate 300/wk and 60mg/anavar to knock off this fat. My question is should I run a ai with this low dose or do I need to deal with this bitch tits issue before going on a cycle? What’s your take on my dilemma?
Hi, love the podcasts, just finished last one, they’ve got me through my night shifts past 2 weeks so thank you, I’ve learnt loads and you’ve saved my ass with the cabergoline for tren.. can you talk about Ment (trestolone) in your next podcast? Not many know of it, pain as have to inject often but crazy stuff, really feel it’s in there and strongest I’ve ever been whilst on it. Just got some more and am putting it in only twice a week along side test 400 blend and tri tren 200.1ml of each. Monday and Friday.. Though I might just add it in on Wednesday too. Thoughts? Thanks Ben
Hey Dan, love the show.. never thought I’d find somebody that knows just as much as I do , or correction MORE than I do lol, but man love love love the show. I respect your expertise and wanted to ask you a question.. When I first tried gear and I started with 500 a week of Test E and 25 mgs of dbol a day and evtentually went on with a test, mast, and tren cycle, I mean just Looked fucking just great. But this last time I bought my order. Started it out with test e 500 a week, 500 of deca, 500, eq… and at first 25 mgs of dbol, and now went to 50 of dbol to try and get things goin. And I can see a bit of a change but nothin like when I first did test and dbol. Any answers for this and is all that 2 high of a dosage you think. Especially with th dbol. Also, I got some sustanon 250. And I heard on the show you said it burned if it was bad stuff was just wondering if that was true. Cuz I’ve tried in 2 different places and yea, none of my other shit does that.
Hi Dan,
I’m 43, 5″4 and 163 and about to run my first ever cycle. 500mg test Cyp for 16 weeks (250 twice a week Mon/thurs). I plan to kick start it with 40mg a day of Tbol (Yes im going old skool! for the gains and the increasing of free test effects and SHBG lowering it causes) for the first 6 weeks and 40-60 of Anavar for the last 6 weeks. What do you think of the cycle? my question is… How do i eat on this cycle?????
I calculate, track and eat to my macro’s. Currently im at 1.5g of protein to the Kilo (2.2lbs) 0.8 per kilo for fats and the rest carbs (Rice, vegetables, boiled/steamed potato and sweet potato, NO PASTA)which I eat pre and post workout. Im in a slight 200 calorie surplus and wait until plateau for lifts, gains and weight on scale before increasing another 200 etc. Does this all go out the window on Gear? I hear you can and should eat as much as 3g of protein to the kilo of body weight because you can synthesize more protein on gear? my goal is to gain actual lean solid muscle mass, not water bloat or size that will disappear post cycle or fat that will take forever and be a bitch to cut…
Hey dan! Love The podcast. Question, I currently use 500mg of Test E 2 shots per week and I now also put in 20 mg of Dboll everyday. The tabletts are 20mg which time do you think I should take it? Also do you know any good supplement to remove loose skin except HGH that is cheeper? Thanks
Hey Dan new listener from swe. , love the show. Only podcast I’ve listened to since I found it. Need some advise on my planned cycle , skip text if you want.
Love your pod btw. You are the shit and exactly what I needed.
Been doing calisthenics as a 6’6 dude for 1year then alot fakelean x type training for 2years which actually helped since ive had surgeries on both knees, labrum issues, tietzes syndrome after falling 7feet from a container on my icy ass, winged scapula, some scoliosis which has gotten better these last few months.
Ive had some breaks cause of shoulder and motivation/drug issues as a natty I felt like shit most of my life. started working out for real this June(not just working arms and back and glutes/hammys) doing all kinds of workouts but I make sure I got every muscle twice a week pretty hard. With alot of more compound lifts slowly getting my knees ready for squats n.a. shoulder for bench.. And alot more sets and reps on everything else, i go till I can’t take the burn pretty much.
6’6 198 lbs /veiny abs chest and all over arms(only one branch away from main vein usally not to crazy) and can see serratus obliques rectus, 3,2-3,4k calories maintenance atm which sucks for my wallet 1-2 triple cheese every day but changing to 90% chicken and minced meat during cycle gonna increase protein to 350-400g with 80 from protein shakes. just started “trt” after deciding i had to little test .cough about 6weeks ago (gradually increased from 125mg , 140mg, 175mg, 210mg. Now its 300mg/week).. so im gonna try my first cycle, I’m a very hairless dude face/body but i was pretty good on test ~640ng/dl last year so I guess I don’t converge test to alot DHT
So do you think anadrol/sonny can give me some extra boost since I’m probably low on it naturally? Or will it be worse for me anabolic wise ? Don’t care about androgenic effects. 33years old and pretty hairless, it’s all on my head. oestrogen on the other hand I feel like I aromatize to much even naturally always had sensitive and puffy nips
500 test- e ew week 1-16
200 deca/or npp?- week 6-16
350 anadrol ew week 1-7
140 winstrol ew week 1-7
1-2mg arimidex week 1-16
70 nolva on the ready
Should i end with the orals instead of deca maybe?
Appreciate what your are doing for us with no one knowledgeable to ask Dan. Peace
Hey Dan the bodybuilder from Thailand. What are your thoughts about tren on a bulking cycle? I’ll be doing 1000 test, 500 deca, 500 eq, 50 dbol/day, and was thinking about throwing in tren to take it to the next level. Thanks in advance.
Hi Dan, I love the podcast. Im natty but will start with the roids soon. I have a few questions for next podcast:
1) you always say that the big guys at the gym use 1.5-2.5 g of gear per week when on cycle – do you know how many cycles per year, duration of cycle and TRT dose to maintain gains?
2) do you have any advise on what oils are the best for gear? I found some “pharma” grade gear that uses Peach oil…never heard of it, any thoughts?
Thanks a lot for the great info
I’ve picked up, and (key word) comprehended more from 2 weeks of listening to you, than every other podcast, youtube, blog, reddit combined. Thank you for that.
I’m 40, and about to start my first cycle.
I’ve decided to go moderate this first time, see how my body handels it.
I’m gonna do test e, 300mgs per week, for 12 weeks.
My question is about AI’s.
I was told to avoid suicidal AI’s, and stick with binding AI’s, like Arimidex.
The reason given was because a good amount of estrogen is needed in the body, especially during cycle, to protect against neuro, and cardio toxicity from the testosterone.
This got me thinking, might it possibly be better for my overall health to bypass AI’s all together?
Especially seeing as a 300ms test only cycle is quite a light one.
And might my age play a factor in the odds that I will in fact get negative side effects from aromatization?
Thanks for your help. Jordan
Dan, I love the podcast. I’m a cop and have stayed completely natural. Not trying to lose my job so what’s the best way to get JACKED without breaking the law in the USA? I’ve read all about sarms, but still seems a little sketchy. Are Blackstone Products worth a try?