The Steroids Podcast Episode 1 0:00 How to Combat Estrogen Rebound How Aromatase inhibitors work 10:50 Support Supplements for Health During Testosterone only cycle 16:45 Andoxon or Andriol Testosterone Undecanoate Capsules 20:10 TRT with Metformin and Yohimbine for Fat Loss and Fasted Cardio 26:08 Testicular Shrinkage and Atrophy from Steroids is it Permanent…

The Steroids Podcast First Steroid Cycle Experience
The Steroids Podcast First Steroid Cycle Experience 0:00 First Steroid Cycle Making The Decision to Use Steroids 2:40 Post Injection Pain and Virgin Muscles 7:10 Added Trenbolone to First Beginner Cycle 9:10 Tren Cough 12:30 Silhouette of a Bodybuilder 16:00 What It Feels Like To Workout in the Gym on Tren 20:00 Social Effects…

The Steroids Podcast 4th Live Q and A
The Steroids Podcast 4th Live Q and A 0:00 Training in the Gym Natural vs. Enhanced 9:00 Shrunken Testicles and HCG Year Round 11:00 Science in Bodybuilding 15:00 Metformin vs. Berberine 20:20 Importance of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Bodybuilding 23:30 Superdrol Toxicity 28:35 Roid Rage and Steroid Aggression Reality 37:00 Dangerous Abuse of Recreational…

The Steroids Podcast – MK 677 Oral Growth Hormone Review
The Steroids Podcast – MK 677 Oral Growth Hormone Review Explaining The Real Life Applications of MK-677 and how it can never compare to Pharmaceutical Grade Injectable Growth Hormone

The Steroids Podcast 3rd Live Q and A
The Steroids Podcast 3rd Live Q and A 3:20 Water Retention from Testosterone and Deca 8:10 Equipoise Effects 11:45 Carb Cycling 16:00 DNP Discussion 17:20 Staying on Testosterone Long Term 25:45 Steroid Bloodwork Effects 29:50 Trenbolone and Cabergoline 33:40 Trenbolone Look without Using Trenbolone 39:35 Progesterone and Prolactin Gyno Bitch Tits 43:15 Steroids and Prostate…

The Steroids Podcast 2nd Live Q and A
The Steroids Podcast 2nd Live Q and A 0:00 Estrogen Effects of Testosterone 3:50 Human Growth Hormone Timing 6:40 Anavar for Fat Loss 10:20 Anti-Estrogen Tablets 11:40 Best Oral Steroid For Nutrient Partitioning 15:00 Anadrol Dosage Prescribed for AIDS Patients 17:15 MethylTestosterone Tablets 19:30 DHT Steroids and Male Secondary Sex Characteristics 23:00 SHBG Winstrol…

The Steroids Podcast 1st Live Q and A
The Steroids Podcast 1st Live Q and A 0:00 Low Carb Diet Mental Energy Effects and Weight Loss 8:00 Pattaya Zyzz Death 11:00 Oral Steroid Toxicity and Poisoning Symptoms 15:15 Trenbolone Acetate or Enanthate? Ester Weight Explained 18:50 Stacking Oral Steroids 21:10 Anavar Only Cycle Testosterone Synergy with Anabolics 24:15 Steroids and Unimpressive Physiques…