WHEY PROTEIN… IS THAT ALL YOU TAKE?? – Bodybuilding Podcast Episode 45 0:00 Vitamins 1:55 clarification on using deca and equipoise as cycle base 4:30 HGH ancillaries that make a huge difference in effectiveness 6:53 Thyroxine upregulates all genes associated with growth hormone response 8:38 Metformin and Growth Hormone 10:20 Old man on the street…

Steroids Podcast Phone Call #3
0:00 No Testosterone Cycles 2:55 Golden era steroid usage 4:15 The Fitness Industry People… the one’s you trust… are lying to you 5:50 Testing Steroids Dosages Dramatically 2 Grams + per compound 7:10 Estrone E1 7:55 Estrogen Conversion Anecdotal Aromatase Inhibitor Use 10:00 Equipoise Results 11:42 Dihydroboldenone 1-testosterone DHB results 13:45 Superdrol Equipoise and Masteron…

The Steroids Podcast Episode 44
Bodybuilding Symmetry and Proportions – The Steroids Podcast Episode 44 SteroidsPodcast · Bodybuilding Symmetry and Proportions – The Steroids Podcast Episode 44 0:00 Weak Points in your physique when you are an aspiring bodybuilder 6:45 Building a Base of Muscle 10:40 Basic Compound Movement Mastery 12:30 Bodybuilding Fundamentals 17:20 Common bodybuilding psychological sticking points 19:20…

Bodybuilding Podcast Phone Call #2
Bodybuilding Podcast Phone Call #2 0:00 Welcome to @JCorral_999 on Instagram 5:30 Steroids and Whey Protein Culture in Ecuador 8:55 Competing in Natural Bodybuilding Competitions and Getting Beaten by guys who were using steroids 10:26 The Moment Jorge Decided to Use Steroids 11:17 First Cycle Bayer Testosterone and Winstrol Injections 14:40 Effects of First Month Ever…

Bodybuilding Podcast Phone Call #1
Bodybuilding Podcast Phone Call #1 0:00 Got a Guest on the show to talk about your questions with 3:05 Using Helios Injectable Clenbuterol and Yohimbine Mix 6:00 Yohimbine Side Effects and High Clen dosages – Using it as a Crutch 11:01 Sublingual Administration of Oral Steroids 16:00 Premature Ejaculation 20:07 Grapefruit with Oral Steroids 26:45…

The Steroids Podcast Episode 43
The Steroids Podcast Episode 43 0:00 Some Chat about what it’s been like living in Belarus, Albania, and Ukraine 8:30 Ukrainian Pharmacies 14:05 Testosterone 1350mg per week 50mg Anadrol a day Blood Pressure 18:25 First Cycle Test Prop 700 Winstrol 60mg Superdrol 30mg, Nolvadex making him feel like shit 20:10 Gyno from Prohormones Had Surgery…

The Steroids Podcast Episode 42
The Steroids Podcast Episode 42 0:00 Easy way to get in your protein – Nitrogen Retention Explained 3:43 Growth Hormone Dosage Diminishing Returns and Side Effects 5:50 High Dose Growth Hormone and Fluid Retention and Gastric Motility 10:00 Foot Pumps and Frozen Hands on high dose HGH 12:35 Open Bodybuilding and Classic Physique Competitor HGH…

The Steroids Podcast Episode 41
The Steroids Podcast Episode 41 0:00 being a scared submissive man 4:00 Music I like when I train like a possessed demon in the gym 6:46 Training Intensity Primer 20:28 Benign Prostate Hypertrophy from Steroids Use Side Effect 27:00 5-alpha reductase inhibitors explained 28:33 PED’s use in those who are 50 years plus 32:10…

The Steroids Podcast Episode 40
Females on Anabolic Steroids – The Steroids Podcast Episode 40 SteroidsPodcast · Steroids Podcast 40 Audio 0:00 the chemistry of vaccines 6:30 rDNA technology 9:00 What I would say to people when i was a ROID BEGINNER and people asked me how i was getting so big and if i was on gear 11:40 Women…

The Steroids Podcast Episode 39
The Steroids Podcast Episode 39 – Are You Afraid of Testosterone? SteroidsPodcast · Are You Afraid Of Testosterone – The Bodybuilding Podcast Episode 39 0:00 Are You afraid of what makes you a man? 11:20 Estrogen issues on high testosterone dose 11:55 Liver Support Supplements 15:00 Oral Steroids Tylenol and Alcohol 16:39 Low Test from…