The Steroids Podcast Special Episode featuring French Bodybuilder Kevin
0:00 experiences with equipoise and high dosages of testosterone
6:15 equipoise side effects
8:00 NPP nandrolone phenyl propionate
12:30 Primobolan Effects
14:45 Strength Gains from certain Steroids
18:45 Females and Steroids
24:10 steroids changing the shape of a females skull for life
27:10 Finasteride Side Effects
30:10 Trenbolone cycle limp dick tren dick
33:30 HCG fertility on steroids dosages
34:40 Blasting and Cruising vs Taking Time Off Cycle
36:30 Steroid Dosage vs Cycle Duration
39:10 Biggest reasons to take HGH for bodybuilding
41:25 Insulin and HGH in bodybuilding
46:30 Bulking Foods that don’t cause excessive water and inflammation
48:38 Bad Cholesterol from Steroids
51:18 Strength Training vs Pump Training on Steroids
54:52 Testosterone and Trenbolone Dosages needed to become a Classic Physique Pro Bodybuilder
56:35 Testosterone Propionate Effects
1:00:25 Clenbuterol only cycle
1:02:44 Scar Tissue from Steroids Injections
This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.
Hi, I am currently on trt and inject sub q. I want to start a primo cycle and increase my testosterone for 10 weeks. Can I also inject the primo sub q or does it have to be IM? I have no experience of injecting IM so would prefer sub q but not sure if that will cause me issues? thanks.
Hi, im planning on running minor dbol only “cycle” (no test) like 10mg/day for 4-6 weeks what do you think?
what do I need to consider, will i need something else?
ps. big fan of the podcast keep it up!
Hey Dan, love the podcast! Any tips on reducing water retention while on a higher test cycle, ex: 750mg test E or higher, other than eating super low carb or running an AI at a higher dose?