The Steroids Podcast Episode 30 – DBOL VS. ANADROL
0:00 push pull legs training split vs bro split on steroids how to gain muscle tissue on steroids and not just “blow up on drugs” mark rippetoe starting strength madcow2 5×5 workout
7:25 Testosterone and Primobolan Cycle ramping up dosages as the cycle goes on rich piana 5% nutrition style. Primobolan Dosages.
9:45 Optimal Length and Supplements for Blasting and Cruising Steroids detriment to health – 600mg testosterone per week long term
18:21 Changing esters during a steroid cycle switching from enanthate to propionate
20:33 Dbol for Sprint Track and Field and Speed Training – Oral Steroids in Sports and Athletics – Using Steroids for Peak Athletic Performance
27:00 Afraid of Needles Oral only cycle using dbol stacked with other oral anabolics. Molecular differences between injectable and oral anabolics – Oral only cycle examples
32:37 Androgen receptors, how testosterone and other roids create additional androgen receptors in the body – why take time off cycle
36:00 MK-677 Growth Hormone and Insulin Sensitivity Fasted Blood Glucose A1C – Metformin for Insulin Sensitivity
41:19 Steroids and Sex Question – Not satisfied by orgasm
47:47 DBOL vs. ANADROL pros and cons gains and side effects bloody nose on dbol cycle
52:10 Womens on TRT for low sex drive using Androgel and Test Cyp. Getting Blood Tests for TRT at the doctor in 3 month intervals how to do steroid cycles without messing up the blood test and getting “busted” lol
56:10 Quarantine Lockdown and gym and steroids. Steroids are medications that work whether you do weight training in the gym or not.
1:01:40 Why would someone use Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate also know as human grade trenbolone made by negma pharmaceuticals france
This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.
Hey Dan, addictive listening. How long would you run or rather suggest running trt for ? And a blast for? My thanks and appreciation for your podcast
Hi, I’m on TRT at 125mg test ethernate per week over 2 injections and also HCG. I have recently added 5mg of rad 140 to give me a boost in the gym but a week later i feel tired and irritable. I thought it was affecting the tet ao i have added in an extra shot of 50mg testosterone ethernate but its not made a difference. Has the rad affected my estrogen levels? I have also started to take an over the counter AI called arimistane but im not seeing a difference? Surly my trt dose is quite low so i shouldn’t have esteogen issues at the level? Any advise or is it best to drop the rad 140? If i did anavar instead would i have aimilar issues? thanks. Ps podcast is amazing!!
Hi Dan, hoping you can put forward some good ideas here.
Recently started TRT due to legit low test levels (many blood tests for years all showing low levels).
Assuming I stay just on TRT levels of primoteston (currently 125mg/week which I’m splitting into EOD pins but I’m assuming I will end up on 150-175mg/week) what would be a good compound to add in at a lower dose (injectable or even an oral) and what timeframe for on/off would be a good addition?
I gain muscle super easy, but also fat easily and am in the process of cutting at the moment to lessen any potential sides due to being fat. So not looking to run big numbers to get proper huge (I’m 5’10 and reach sub 10% body fat around 100-105kg, currently 120kg so a little too pudgy for my own good), I have no problems there even at a natty level, just wanting to optimise things and spice up my days a bit hahaha
Also, do you suggest a maximum body fat % should be when deciding to run gear? I have seen plenty of people saying 12% max, others have even said not until single digits for bf% and then others say yolo and just run it whenever.
Thanks mate, keep up the awesome work with the podcast.
Hello Dan,
I have bought your book. It is great.
What 8 week cycle is better as being 45 years old and don`t want trouble with HPTA-recovery.
Recovery more important than gains.
Test only 500/week with aromasin 12,5 EOD or
Test 250/week with 400 mg Primo/week , aromasin 12,5 E3D.
PCT with Clomid 25 ED and Nolva 12,5 ED for 4 weeks.
Don`t want orals.
Hey bro, love the podcast!
I’m taking 400mg test E / week and 40mg stana / day. I’ve found a cyst on my left nut, I want to get it checked out but I don’t want to go to the doctor on cycle in fear of a blood test due employment reasons. I’m week 5 of a 12 week cycle – should I stop the cycle and start a PCT wait a few weeks and go? Can I restart the cycle from where I left off? Or are cysts common and I should wait until after cycle?
My cycle is:
Week 1-10 | 1ml Test E 400 pw
Week 1-7 | 40mg stanazolol pd
Week 7-12 | 40mg Anavar pd
Week 11-14 | 20mg nolvadex
Week 12-14 | 50mg clomid
Also taking aromasin as required.
Is this a good cycle for my first? Would you recommend any different like HCG for PCT?