The Steroids Podcast Episode 19
0:00 – 1 Hour Skype Consultations
2:50 – Text Messaging Based Bodybuilding Coaching
6:30 Testosterone and Muscle Mass Building
7:00 Health Effects of Injectable Testosterone
7:30 Anti Estrogen Dosage on Steroid Cycle
8:40 Letrozole Dosage Effects
11:50 Men’s Physique Muscle vs. Bodybuilder Muscle
12:20 Bodybuilder Steroid Dosages
12:45 Blood Work on High Dosages of Testosterone
15:00 Doing Bodybuilding “The Healthiest Way”
15:45 Testosterone Equipoise Primobolan Deca Durabolin Steroids and Longevity
19:00 What is required as far as steroids dosages to be a bodybuilder
23:20 Body Recomposition on Steroids
25:30 Cardio on Steroids
26:30 Calorie Restriction and Losing Muscle on Steroids
27:30 Strength and Body Recomposition on Steroids
29:55 Gaining Large Amounts of Muscle and Losing Large Amounts of Fat
31:25 Body Recomposition Diet on Steroids
34:48 Real Life Symptoms of Liver Stress of Steroids
37:15 Liver Stress Yellow Eyes vs Bloodshot Eyes
37:55 200mg Testosterone 200mg Masteron Per Week for TRT
40:00 25mg Proviron Per Day During Cruise
40:25 Masteron uses in Hospitals and Medicine
44:40 How Long Can You Take 10mg Superdrol Per Day
46:25 How Superdrol was Discovered But Not Marketed for Human Consumption in the 1960’s
48:39 What SARMS Can Be Used By Women
49:00 Details of What Happens to a Woman’s Genitals When She Takes Male Hormones
52:25 Excuses for Women Taking Male Hormones
59:25 What Performance Enhancing Drugs Women Can Use if They Absolutely Must Take Something
1:00:03 Effects of Nolvadex and Arimidex and Anti Estrogen in Women
1:00:40 Effects of HGH and Clenbuterol in Women
1:04:12 Detailed Dangers of Mixing Certain Recreational Drugs with Certain Performance Enhancing Drugs
1:07:30 Most Dangerous PED’s to Combine with Recreational Drugs; T3 thyroid hormone, Clenbuterol, Diuretics
This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.
Dan, love the show, thanks for sharing your knowledge.
I plan to run a cut cycle with test cyp, eq and winstroll, should I add a third oil? I won’t use tren, the night sweats and and mood changes are not worth it and it gives me back acene.
Also how should I dose the cyp and eq, was thinking 1 shot of each a week at 500 test and 300 eq. Will use 40 / 50 mg of winstroll a day. 12 weeks. Thanks in advance bro!
Hey Dan!
First of all: Greetings from Germany, I listen to your podcast almost every day and I am soaking up the presented knowledge! Thanks for your podcast and your Answer in advance! Keep it up!
My question is: I am currently planning to start my first test enanthate cycle leading to a local bodybuilding competition. I wanted to start a 8 week bulk w 300 to 400mg test-e per week. When I start the cutting I wanted to switch to Test Propionate maybe increasing the dose to 400-500 mg per week. To avoid water retention I would cut out Testosterone two weeks prior to the contest. Would it make any sense to use Primobolan (eg. 500mg per week) for these two weeks to keep the fullness and maybe gaining hardness during this time without using other “hard” drugs? Did not want to use Winstrol or Masteron because this is my first cycle…
Greets Alex
Hey Dan!
First of all: Greetings from Germany, I listen to your podcast almost every day and I am soaking up the presented knowledge! Thanks for your podcast and your Answer in advance! Keep it up!
My question is: I am currently planning to start my first test enanthate cycle leading to a local bodybuilding competition. I wanted to start a 8 week bulk w 300 to 400mg test-e per week. When I start the cutting I wanted to switch to Test Propionate maybe increasing the dose to 400-500 mg per week. To avoid water retention I would cut out Testosterone two weeks prior to the contest. Would it make any sense to use Primobolan (eg. 500mg per week) for these two weeks to keep the fullness and maybe gaining hardness during this time without using other “hard” drugs? Did not want to use Winstrol or Masteron because this is my first cycle…
Greets Alex
hi alex i like your plan you have created for your cycle. i think that adding primobolan in at 500mg per week 8 weeks out of your competition and keeping it in there day of competition even after drop testosterone prop, will help u look your best. primobolan will make your bulk more effective and your cut more freaky
Hey Dan,
We all have all heard the same reply from “experts” on Bodybuilding and steroid forums.
Usually some young guy will come and ask them about juice. Despite these asswipes used juice at literally 18, they will insist that everyone stay natural until at least 30 years old.
In reality, how do you know when you have reached your natural limit and are ready for the juice train?
you are ready for the juice train when you know you are serious about what you want to do. No one has ever died from taking male hormones. If you decide in your heart that supplementing with male hormones is what you want to do, then do it. It’s your decision. No one can make that decision for you. So when you are ready to make that decision without needing approval from others then you are ready, once you are on juice you will surpass the “natural limit” in weeks