The Steroids Podcast Episode 13
0:00 Can you inject your glutes with steroids everyday – what a normal testosterone injection looks like
2:05 Post Injection Pain and Cause for concern after a steroids injection
5:07 Do Most Bodybuilders including Arnold use Site Enhancement. Different Forms of Site Enhancement
7:00 Scar Tissue From Intramuscular Injections
10:00 Bostin Loyd Site Enhancement Arm Infection
12:00 Dan the Bodybuilder in Thailand Leg Infection
13:25 UGL is Russian Roulette
14:00 Changes i’ve made to Avoid having another steroid leg infection
15:50 I used to “want to be natural” I wanted to do it the “natural way”
17:30 Do I Regret Using Steroids?
22:00 Conversation I had with myself after Steroid Leg Infection
22:55 What is Pharmaceutical Grade Dianabol Experience Like
Dbol Performance Enhancing Effects
26:40 Compounds to get Female Butt Bigger and Leaner
(Opinion on PED’s in Females)
28:00 T4 Thyroid Hormone and Clenbuterol Cycle
29:00 Chronic Low Thyroid Levels or Low Thyroid Due to Dieting
and Effects of Thyroid Hormone and Clenbuterol on Heart Muscle
30:15 Best Supplements and Pills for Depression
31:10 St John’s Wort for Depression Active Chemical “Hypercin”
32:45 Root Cause and Symptoms of Depression and Choice of Supplement
36:00 SSRI Drugs the Doctor will Prescribe you for Depression and How they Work
38:00 Low Carb Dieting and Thyroid Hormone Levels
40:40 Carb Cycling Diet for Bodybuilding
42:25 Side Effects of T3 Thyroid Hormone + Withdrawal
44:00 Enlarged Prostate on Steroid Cycle
46:55 Tingling Fingers and Swollen Hands on Growth Hormone how to Deal with It
49:25 Dbol All Preworkout or Spreading Dosage out throughout the day
52:00 Effects of taking Anabolic Steroids Preworkout
55:15 How to Train when Cruising on Steroids or during PCT
High Dose Anavar blast? Say 8 weeks at 100mg ED over a cruise dose of test? I like anavar because it makes me feel good and it just kind of works steadily. Am I wrong in thinking more=more better? Thanks, love the podcast.
Hey J,
I hope you’re good I have a Newbie question for you. I’m a 40 year old man, been a natural trainer for around 15 years on and off, I am currently contemplating doing my first cycle of steroids. I reached out to a friend @sheriffes on Insta. He designed a 16 week cycle for me which is as follows:
Could I get a second opinion please?
Test-E 300mg/Per Week for the first 8 weeks, 20mg D-Bol/Each Day for the first 4 weeks, then it’s 100mg Test-P for the next 8 weeks, 50mg Anavar/Each Day for the last 6 weeks, and 0.5mg Arimidex for the entire cycle.
PCT – 5 Weeks
Week 1 – HCG 500iu/Each Day
Week 2 – HCG 500iu/for 3 days, along with 40mg Novaldex/Each Day
Week 3 – 40mg Novaldex Every day
Week 4 – 20mg Novaldex Every Day
Week 5 – 20mg Novaldex Every Day
Thank you for your time and great content.
Hi Dan, what do you think To include ostarine and mk677 during a pct?
I just finish a 15 weeks of 600mg /wk Test E and dbol preworkout 25 mg, 4 times /wk .
For pct I have 5000 units of hcg, nolvadex and aromasin.
Thanks for the podcast, and sorry for my bad english..
question for the podcast. If I understand you correctly in the last episodes, you are still fertile when using HCG during cycle/when on gear?
Also thoughts on mildronate/meldonium as a ped for competitive sports with a high endurance component?
Keep up the good work!
What would be the best steroid/ped cycle for a boxer or mma fighter? i’ve heard halotestin for aggression and strength, and equipoise because it apparently increase endurance more than other gear. Given your personal experience on various compounds what do you feel would work best? At what dosages do steroids start to negativly effect endurance for a boxer/mma fighter? thanks.
I like that question
I would say Testosterone as a base (small – medium dose) or EQ
Can add Winstrol / Anavar / T-bol as an oral
depending on goals and preference
Halo for aggression and strength, but only before hard training sessions and/or the fight itself because of its toxicity. Maybe the last couple of days before the fight would be good to increase aggression.
HGH for faster recovery.
good topic, I would love to hear about it on the podcast.